DECEMBER 4, 2022

During this Christmas season, it is easy to allow hustle and bustle of this time of year to cause us to forget what it is all about.  This is the time of year we take to celebrate the birth of our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ.  Lest we forget, his birth was a miracle, and He was the bringer of miracles.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have a miracle living on the inside of you in the form of the Holy Spirit.  Keep in mind that in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit had been promised, but had not yet been given.  The prophets of old spoke about the Holy Spirit and how he would come and dwell in His people. They looked forward to this time, but never saw it come to pass.

Now, because the Holy Spirit now lives in us,  we have a miracle on the inside of us.  A miracle that produces miracles, just like an apple seed does not merely produce an apple, but multitudes of apples. 

How does this miracle of the Holy Spirit dwelling within you produce miracles in you?  Let me give you three to begin with.

1.  There is a miracle in your mouth.  

Did you realize you have God’s creative ability in your mouth?  Let look at the importance of the words we speak.  Romans 10:8 says, “But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

It also says in Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Did you know our earth, the sun and stars, the entire universe was created by God’s words.

Hebrews 11:3 says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”

Jesus said in Mark 11:22,23  “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”

Jesus explained this principle on multiple occasions.  There is a miracle in your mouth, if you will learn to use it properly.  Our tongues are one of the most powerful members of our entire bodies.  Take the time and read James, chapter 3 and you will see what I mean.  You never know how the words you speak to someone else can be just the miracle that person needs at that time and place.  Stop cursing yourself by the words you speak out of you mouth.  Get in agreement with God’s Word and speak miracle working words.

2.  There is a miracle in your heart.

God lives in you!  Take a look at the following passages.

Colossians 1:27  “ To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:”

John 14:23 “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

Galations 2:20 “ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

The miracle of God living in us is the Hope of Glory,  Recognized It, Love It and Live It!

3.  There is a miracle in what you do.

John 14:12 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

The salvation we receive once we accept Christs is not to merely save us from a literal and burning hell, but for us to do good works and make disciples.  (Matt. 28:18-22, Eph. 2:10)  We are to be a miracle for others.  

Take this holiday season receive the miracle that is in you and be the miracle that someone needs!

A Vision With No Passion Is A Dream With No Life

One of my all time favorite leaders is Walt Disney.  He was one of the best examples of a man with great passion.  Though vision is always a great topic in books and articles on leadership, passion is often not mentioned or associated with vision.  Many times vision is discussed as more of a vision or mission statement than in great detail.  While being able to articulate your vision is important, if there is no passion it is nothing more than a dream with no real life to it.


Walt Disney took his passion to share art and fun with people around the world and developed a powerful vision.  Think about this fact, Walt Disney started with a single comic strip, then, took      great.  passion and fueled a vision.  Today, the Disney Corporation has over 35 billion dollars in annual revenue.  That’s right, 35 billion, with a “B.”

Some companies have lofty visions, but there is no real passion to fuel those visions.  A corporation can not create passion.  Passion comes from a person and every great company started with a person with a passion.  John Wesley, the great Methodist Revivalist said, “When you set yourself on fire people love to come and see you burn.”  It’s your passion that will inspire and energize people to help bring a vision into a reality.Passion brings true fulfillment.Passion takes you through failures with loosing enthusiasm.Passion gives you strength to get through the storms that will be between you and your vision.Passion bring ownership and deep emotional commitment.Passion brings a great love for your work.Passion brings courage.Passions creates the drive that will help you overcome every obstacle.

You can see the importance of passion as it relates to your vision.  You may say, “Harold, I really do not have a vision for my life.”  If you truly do not, then begin to find out what your passions in life are.  What moves you to emotion.  What causes you to feel angry, sad, joyful, excited?  With everything that is in you find passion…find your passion.  This passion will become the fire in your belly that will become the driving force to help you accomplish great things on your journey through this life.


True godly success is a concept that goes beyond the traditional measures of success such as wealth, power, and fame. It is about living a life that is aligned with the values and teachings of one’s faith, and finding fulfillment and purpose in serving others and making a positive impact on the world. In this blog, we will explore what true godly success means and provide examples of individuals who embody this concept in their lives.

What is True Godly Success?

True godly success is rooted in spiritual principles and values that transcend material wealth and worldly achievements. It is about living a life of integrity, compassion, humility, and service to others. True godly success is not measured by the size of one’s bank account or the number of accolades they have received, but by the depth of their character and the impact they have on the lives of others.

At the core of true godly success is a deep relationship with a higher power, whether it be God, Allah, or any other divine being. This relationship serves as a guiding force in one’s life, providing direction, purpose, and a sense of meaning. True godly success is about living in accordance with the teachings of one’s faith and using one’s talents and resources to make a positive difference in the world.

Examples of True Godly Success

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, also known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, is a shining example of true godly success. Despite having very little in terms of material possessions, Mother Teresa dedicated her life to serving the poorest of the poor in India. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation that provides care and support to the sick, orphaned, and dying.

Mother Teresa’s selfless devotion to the marginalized and vulnerable in society earned her worldwide acclaim and recognition, including the Nobel Peace Prize. Her life exemplified the values of compassion, humility, and service to others, making her a true icon of godly success.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa and a prominent anti-apartheid activist, is another example of true godly success. Despite enduring decades of imprisonment and oppression, Mandela emerged as a symbol of forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity.

Mandela’s commitment to justice, equality, and peace led to the dismantling of the apartheid system and the establishment of a democratic and inclusive South Africa. His willingness to forgive his oppressors and work towards a better future for all exemplifies the true essence of godly success.

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, is a beacon of true godly success. Despite facing threats and violence for her advocacy work, Malala remained steadfast in her commitment to promoting education for girls around the world.

Malala’s courage, resilience, and unwavering dedication to her cause have inspired millions and brought global attention to the importance of education and gender equality. Her actions embody the values of courage, compassion, and service, making her a true role model for aspiring agents of godly success.

True godly success is about living a life of purpose, integrity, and service to others. It is not defined by worldly standards of success, but by the impact one has on the lives of others and the alignment of one’s actions with spiritual values and principles. Individuals like Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and Malala Yousafzai exemplify true godly success through their selfless dedication to making the world a better place. May their examples inspire us to seek true success in serving others and living a life of meaning and purpose.

Be sure download Harold’s podcast how the biblical principles of true success will work for you.

Control You Thinking And Change Your Life

In today’s world of digital information we can receive data at the speed of light.  We live in a society in which we can see things live streaming in real time.  Unfortunately, not all of this data is good for us to digest.  It is so easy to allow our thinking to be influenced by all of the negative information that seems to flow towards us on a daily basis.  You’ve heard the adage, garbage in, garbage out, I’m sure.

How we think and what we think about is more important today that ever before.  

Bruce Lee said, “Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind for they are weeds that strangle confidence”

Begin to control your thinking and thought life and you will begin to control your life and your success.  Researchers have found that people who have positive thoughts and who control their thoughts live longer, live healthier, have more energy, are more successful, have less stress in their lives, have healthier relationships and make better decisions than those who allow negative thinking to run rampant in their minds.  

I love what Tony Dundee once said.  “Be positive.  You mind is more positive than you think.  What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.”

Let me clear about what positive thinking is.  Positive thinking is not something you learn to do in order for you to never encounter problems, issues or obstacles.  Positive thinking is the tool we use to respond to these problems, issues and obstacles.  Doctor Charles Swindoll, noted author and pshycologist, said something over 30 years ago that has impacted my life in a powerful way.  He said that life consist of 10% what happens to us and 90% our attitude toward those things that happen to us.  As I have read about and studied people I find many who have been through similar horrific things in life.  Yet some have been able to overcome those situations and others have not.  I have the found that the difference between them is positive thinking. 

The Bible has a lot to say about our thinking, which is what I would like to focus.  As a person that has made Jesus Christ Lord of their life, I have found that the Bible gives me strength and direction for success.  Jesus said He came to give us life and give it to us in abundance.  I think His Word is the road map we need for abundant living.

In Romans chapter 8:5-7, Pauls says we are not to be conformed to this world, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  The Greek word for transform is, metamorpho, and is a word the Greeks used to explain how a caterpillar changes into a a beautiful butterfly.  It is a complete change from one type of insect into a completely different one.  

Eph. 4:22-23 states we are to put off the old man, which is corrupt and be renewed in the spirit of our mind.  The NIV states it a different way and says we are to be renewed in the attitude of our minds.  The Jerusalem Bible says, “…your mind must be renovated by a spiritual revolution.”  

In Romans 7:23, Paul explains there is a struggle for control of our minds.  In Romans 8:5 Pauls explains that to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually mind is life and peace.  The key to controlling our thoughts is to transform our minds to think on things from a spiritual perspective.  In other words, we need to think God thoughts.  

Philippians 4:8 give us a list of things we should think about.  When negative thoughts come, and they will, take control and change those thoughts to something that aligns with God’s Word.  

In fact 2 Corinthians says, “casting down imaginations, and everything that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Now, the quickest way to determine the health of your thought life is to take a day and pay attention to everything that comes out of your mouth.  You will speak out what you are thinking about.  If you have negative thoughts, negative speech will follow.  Matthew 12:34 says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” 

I Peter 1:13 says, “…gird up the loins of your mind.”  I love the NIV interpretation of this scripture.  It says, “…prepare your minds for action: be self controlled.”

Take the time to change your thinking habits and get them in alignment with God’s Word.  If you will learn to do this and prepare your mind for action, I can promise you will find true success.

Remember, Jesus IS Lord and He WANTS you BLESSED!


As a business leader or someone who leads an organization, do you walk in your true identity?  It is difficult to lead others if you do not know who you truly are.  Many people live their entire life and never know their true identity.  Your identity is who you think you are, how you value yourself and how you perceive yourself.  

As a young kid I was extremely fascinated by dominos.  Not dominos the game, but actually setting up dominos on their ends and finding creative ways to knock that first one down, which then creates a chain reaction that begins to knock all of the subsequent ones down.  As I got older, I tried to lay the dominos out in interesting designs.  It was always amazing how fast the dominos would fall and how each one was dependent on the continuum of energy of the one before it to bring it down.  The very energy from the first domino impacted the last domino that fell. 

Your identity is like that first domino.  It is connected to all the other dominos.  Its energy effects other important parts of your life. Your identity begins a chain reaction that effects all of these areas.  These other areas include your:

  • Confidence
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-worth
  • Growth

These items, and others like it, have an effect on how you view and relate to other people, how you make decisions, how you handle failure and victories, how you handle challenges, and many other things.  

Since all of these things are tied to your identity, it is critical you have a clear understanding of your identity.

As a young pastor, one of my greatest failures was not having a grasp of my true identity.  In the early part of my ministry, my identity was completely tied to my occupation.  I saw myself as Pastor Harold.  That is who I was, in my mind.  This had a negative effect on myself, my wife and even my children.  

You true identity and how you see yourself should include:

  • Your core values
  • Your belief system
  • Your personality traits
  • Your qualities
  • Your faith

In most cases, falsifying legal documents is a criminal act, punishable by expensive fines and/or jail time.  Having a “falsified” identity should also be a criminal offense.

3 areas that help create a false or falsified identity are:

  1. Comparing
  2. Competing
  3. Compiling


Comparing yourself to others for your identity, in most cases, is like a dog chasing its own tail.  We compare ourselves to other people, in the same career, the same age, the same family, etc.  We also compare ourself to other people’s accomplishments, looks, and even how other people dress.  Your value becomes based upon how you see yourself in comparison to others.  A person begins to act, dress, look and be like the people they are comparing themselves to, so they never really get to be themselves.  

Overcoming The Temptation To Compare Yourself

First, recognize God created you and your are unique and one of a kind.  God did not make another person on this planet like you.    

Psalms 139:14 says, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”  The wonderfully made is one word in Hebrew and it means, to be distinct, separated, to be set apart.

There is no reason to compare your self to others.  The events, family, experience that is a part of you are and can never be repeated in another person’s life.  You are unique, so be that person God made YOU to be.


Some people spend their entire lives competing with others and themselves.  The outcomes of these competitions is where they get their identities.  This leads to what is called performance identity.  They get their value from the outcome of their performance.  It also creates, what I call, Destination Disease.  People will say, “if I can just get this position, or this house, or this car, then, I will be successful.  The problem is that once they arrive at this destination, they find there is yet another place they need to get to in order to be successful.  

Overcoming The Temptation To Compete

Realize everyone looses at time.  They don’t get the promotion or they don’t get that job, or get into that prestigious university.  You do not have to always win to be a winner.

Proverbs 24:16 says, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again;”

It does not matter how many times you fail or fall, it matters how many times you get back up.  Competition can be healthy in certain scenarios, but it should never be where you get your identity.  

Galations 5:26 says, “Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.”  The word Provoking is the Greek word prokaleomai and means challenge to combat or contest.  This scripture is talking about competing with someone.  The word Envying is a greek word that means to be jealous of.  Paul is clearly speaking of not spending our time competing or be jealous of others.  Paul downplays his education and position of prominence in several passages.  If you read other passages that Paul wrote, you can see that he did not want others jealous or feel they would need to compete with who he was.  


Lastly, another thing that can cause a person to have a “falsified” identity is the compiling or the collecting of things.  The United States, especially, is a society that puts a lot of importance on having your identity tied to what you own or what you have. 

You have only to look at television commercials to recognize the emphasis on compiling possessions.  Having the best car, the best home, etc. creates a specific identity that is tied to those possessions.  I have seen people be house poor or car poor because their identity is propped up by these possessions. 

Overcoming The Temptation To Compete

I can only share with you what Jesus said in Luke 12:15.  “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”  You should resist the temptation of getting your value and your identity from the things you possess.

Let me encourage you to take some time and find out from God’s Word, who God says you are.  Begin to get your identity and your value from what God says about you and from who God says you are.

It is my prayer and my desire for you live in your true Godly identity.  When you do, you will discover a more meaningful life and career.

Does God Have A Plan For Your Business?

Many Christian business owners struggle with wondering if God really has a purpose for their business or is their business just a worldly endeavor that He allows them to be involved in.  Then sadly, there are those Christian business owners that don’t wonder at all.  In fact, there are many owners  who willingly choose to keep God out of their business.  They have compartmentalized their life to the degree that their business life and their spiritual life never converge.

Lets start by answering a simple question, is there any biblical proof that God is concerned with business or business people?  Lets start by looking at Genesis 1:28

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

According to Genesis chapter 1, Adam was created as the first businessman.  God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and then explained they were now required to replenish and multiply as well as have dominion over the Garden.  Sounds a lot like a business.  

Consider the word “household” that is seen throughout the Bible.  Most have come to be believe that the word, household, means those family members within your home or a slightly broader meaning includes your entire family.  You need only to read a few of the 70 scriptural references where  the word household is used to get a more accurate understanding of its meaning.   

In both the New and Old Testament, the household included staff, slaves, workers, attendants and of course family members.  In today’s society, we would consider them to be employees.  Let me call your attention to Genesis 14.  This is the story of how Lot, his family and possessions were taken captive and Abram pursues and delivers them from the kidnappers.  Notice what it says in verse 14, 

“And when Abram heard his brother had been taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan.”  

Notice that Abram had 318 men that were trained warriors.  These men were the equivalent of a modern day security team at a large corporation.  As you read about the life of Abram and others in the Old Testament, you will notice they were herdsman of cattle, sheep, camels, or a combination of all three.  

In those days, most people were some sort of business owner, but the relationship they had with their employees were much different that what we see today.  They had much influence over the lives of the people who worked for them.

As we look in the New Testament, we see this concept of influence in several instances.  In Acts, chapters 16 and 18 you will see where whole households were saved.  That means the servants, slaves, attendants were all born again.  The owners had that kind of influence.  

Lastly, of the almost 40 or so parables of Jesus,  the majority deal with business in some form or another.  Just to name a few, there was the parable of the shrewd business manager in Luke 16, the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15, the parable of master and the servant in Luke 17, and the list goes on and on.  I am sure Jesus found using business in His parables was something most people would understand as there were so many business people during those times.  He also knew that the center of influence in society at that time was business.

I believe God still believes business is an important part of evangelism and the making of disciples.  Never think for a minute that God is disinterested in business or business owners.  I whole heartily believe business will be the most powerful tool God will use to begin the next great awakening and revival.  What ways can you use your business to begin making disciples? 

Its time to be about the Father’s business!

Understanding What Makes America Great

Understanding What Makes America Great

As we look at where our country has been, where we are currently, and where it looks like we are going, it give many of us in this country a great reason for concern.  As we look at different times throughout our history we see different degrees of greatness.  For example, when you think of World War II we think of how our country was unified and proud of who we were and what we were doing.  We rallied around the flag and were resolute in the goal of stopping Hitler and his thirst for world domination.  We also were committed to stopping Japan and were ready for some “payback” for Peal Harbor.

Though this time period was over 60 years ago we still remember, read about

FDR & Winston Churchill

and hear such speeches as the one Winston Churchill gave uniting his nation and the one FDR gave after the attack on December 7.  These speeches gave us a vision of what had to be done and what things would be like if we did what was needed and what would happen if we did not.  These men cast a vision for their two respective countries that caused both to accomplish what the leaders of Germany and Japan though could never happen.

I say this to show you the importance of vision.  Every  accomplishment in our great country started with someone who had a vision and they communicated this vision in such a way that others began to follow and make an all out commitment to the vision.

Unfortunately this country has a lack of people who have vision.  Wal-Mart’s founder, Sam Walton, saw this when he said, “Capital isn’t scarce; vision is.”  It’s time to learn how much each of us can accomplish by living a Power Visioned Life.  I think America’s greatest moments are ahead of us and I am committed to training thousands of people how to learn how to develop and live by a vision for their lives.

Optimism: The Fuel Your Vision Needs

Almost all leaders and all people of vision have things in common. One of those things is at the center of their core being…they are optimist. I’m not talking about a false sense or belief that everything is great or a “I,m okay, your okay” type attitude. Blind optimism is ridiculous. What I am speaking of goes much deeper than that. It is an informed optimism, which can become an indispensable foundation.

Columbia University psychiatrist, Susan Vaughn, has concluded, “optimism has little to do with the external reality, and everything to do with our ability to regulate our own inner world. It is the perception of being in control, not the reality that really matters.” If leaders were to give up at the first obstacle they faced most companies would fail. Not having balanced optimism in our lives causes us to see obstacles as insurmountable. Imagine if after John F. Kennedy’s speech about going to the moon within a decade, engineers and scientists said, “it can’t be done and here are the reason’s why.” I image there were some who did, but there were many more who had an optimism that they could figure out solutions to these problems. Without this optimism toward there abilities, talents and education, we would have never landed on the moon.

Optimism helps keep people motivated, focused, and innovative. When serious change is needed or when obstacles arise that can keep you from accomplishing your vision, it will be optimism that helps you see through the fog of uncertainty and optimism that will help you see the possible solutions. It’s the difference between giving up or looking for ways to deal with the issues hindering you path to your vision and goals.

Colin Powell as Secretary of State

Colin Powell, the once Joint Chief of Staff and Secretary of Defense, had the following under the glass cover of his desk, hand written on a piece of paper.
It ain’t as bad as you think.

It will look better in the morning.
Don’t take counsel of your fears or naysayers.

Pessimists always find reasons why they can’t accomplish their goals or why the vision will never work. Informed optimists will always overcome the pessimists reasons.  Each time you move closer to your vision it will take multiple steps or procedures.  Each one of these step may have differing degrees of difficulty.  It is during these difficult steps you will need to draw on your informed optimism in order to see it through.  A “yes you can” person will ALWAYS out do a “no you can’t” person.

Which one are you?